The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
It’s nearly impossible to not have an online presence these days. In fact, it’s now more uncommon not to be online, so it should come as no surprise that 3 out of 4 recruiters and hiring managers will check out potential candidate’s social media profiles before making a hiring decision.
Searching for a job is not a quick, easy task but it's well worth the time and effort to land the opportunity you're hoping to find. Whether you're starting your first job search or have a bit more experience, here are some job search tips from the people doing the hiring.
We see candidates make the same mistakes… mistakes easily avoided if only they knew how we think and operate. In an effort to end some of the frustration experienced on job seekers’ side of the hiring process, we’ve compiled a list of things we wish all candidates knew:
Interviewing is arguably the most important part of your job search… and the most nerve-wracking. We can’t completely eliminate the nerves, but we can help prepare you by answering some of the most commonly asked questions about interviewing for a job.
If you don’t already have a LinkedIn account, now is the time to create one! Recruiters and hiring managers use LinkedIn to search for potential candidates, so having a complete and professional profile gives you the opportunity to stand out among other candidates and significantly increases your chances of finding work.
The job market is extremely competitive, and there’s no guarantee you’ll hear back on the applications you’ve submitted. When this happens, it may feel like nothing works in your favor. Improve your job-hunting skills and boost your chances at landing an interview with these tips:
If you’re still on the quest to find your dream job, don’t despair… it is possible. The key is being realistic about what the ideal career looks like, and the potential struggles and hard work involved.
In today’s digital world, communicating effectively regardless of the medium is critical to all stages of your career – from your job search to being on-the-job.
Starting a new role is an exciting time, but can often be frightening with so many changes. Consider these tips to ensure not only a smooth transition, but also your success.
The recruiters and hiring managers reading your cover letter and resume have dozens to go through, so better your chances of standing out by avoiding these common phrases
Recruiters typically only spend 10-20 seconds on each resume before making a decision about moving forward. Better ensure you capture your reader’s attention in that small window of time with these tips.
Job searching is by no means an easy task, however it’s important to avoid the most common pitfalls during your job search to increase your chances of landing the role you desire.
Although writing a thank you note takes up more time and adds an extra step to the interview process, it might be the deciding factor between the job going to you or someone else.
Job seekers spend hours crafting the perfect resume to best represent their skills and qualifications. While focusing all their efforts on ensuring their resume eliminates any potential red flags for employers, they often forget to be on the lookout for red flags in the job postings they are applying for.
After going through your fair share of rejections, it’s easy to start thinking about applying for any and every job open in your field.
In a world where tech connects everyone, it should be easy to get ahold of anyone.
It’s nearly impossible to get anyone to answer a phone call these days… even if someone reached out first and knows that you’ll be getting back in touch soon. But you have to ask yourself, “Am I willing to mess up a future opportunity because I didn’t bother to answer the phone?”
It’s really easy while searching for jobs and reading the description, to think “that’s easy enough to learn” or “I could do that.”
Reneging on an offer you previously accepted is never ideal, but it does happen. There’s no reason to burn any bridges as long as you decline the accepted offer graciously and in good faith without insulting the company by following these guidelines.
No matter where you are in your career, it’s always smart to be proactive. Remember, "good things come to those who wait, but great things come to those who take action.”
If you’re applying for jobs, it’s easy to feel like recruiters are ghosting you if you don’t hear from them for a few days. Before you jump to conclusions though, take a look at what might be going on...
Your recruiting strategy is going to have unique factors depending on your location, industry, job position, and internal company culture. While keeping all of these in mind, don’t forget to account for your target audience – the unicorn candidate you’re seeking.
So, you’re searching for a job and have no idea where to begin... it’s okay to feel overwhelmed by all the options. No matter where you are in your employment search, follow these timeless job hunting tips to guide your job search.
When you look to the future and what job titles may eventually enter the labor market, it’s hard to believe how far we’ve come in such a short time. From a society that once had popular jobs such as Elevator Operators, comes the potential for Space Pilots...
Whether being freshly unemployed is voluntary or completely unexpected, make the most of your time so you’re in the best position possible when you return to work. Here’s how: